
Climbing Plants

16.99 13.49 
In stock

Purple Flowering Deciduous Clematis Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 12.82

16.99 12.99 
In stock

The Mountain Clematis

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 12.34

29.99 24.99 
In stock

Attractive Wisteria Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 23.74

11.99 9.49 

Evergreen Ivy Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 9.02
Out of Stock / Season

22.99 18.99 
In stock

White Flowering Evergreen Clematis Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 18.04

20.99 17.49 
In stock

White Flowering Star Jasmine Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 16.61

22.99 18.49 
In stock

White Flowering Wisteria

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 17.57

22.99 17.99 
In stock

Pink Flowering Evergreen Clematis Climbing Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 17.03

11.99 9.99 

Hydrangea Anomala Petiolaris Climber

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 9.49
Out of Stock / Season

14.99 9.99 

Dutch Honeysuckle Plant

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 9.49
Out of Stock / Season

16.99 13.49 
In stock

Parthenocissus tr. 'Veitchii' AKA Boston Ivy Climber

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 12.82

In stock

Parthenocissus Quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper

Bulk Discounts
Quantity 3+
Price 9.49